Wednesday 27 April 2016

Major Activities of BPUS Bangladesh:

The Major activities of BPUS Bangladesh are to:
v  Conduct survey about the existing status and need assessment in the community and enhance peoples capacity and institution buildings capacity.
v  Organize community meeting; Arrange workshop/ Seminars on current issues and integration of the poor people in the mainstream of national development
v  Provide training on occupational skill development, micro-enterprise development, Handicrafts and advocacy issue etc and involvement of women into economic and predictive activities.
v  Impart awareness raising training  on education, Health & Nutrition, Family Welfare & Population Planning ,Safe Drinking water & Sanitation, HIV/AIDS and STD, Violence Against Women, Dowry prohibition, Child Trafficking;
v   Promote social consciousness to all concerned stakeholders on Gender issue and  Behavioral Change Communication (BCC);
v  Conduct disaster preparedness and management activities and import environmental management and disaster preparedness training to women in the community(like flood, storm/cyclone etc);
v  Provide financial support to the Entrepreneurs/Producers from the Revolving Credit Fund for creaftion of self-employment and other Income Generating Activities.
v  Environment development, Tree plantation and social forestation program.
v  Child Education and Non-formal Education Program.
v  Program with handicapped and retarded children.
v  Primary Health Care and HIV/AIDS Program.
v  Anti-drug and anti-social activity promotion
v  Agriculture. Livestock and Fisheries development.

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